
This beautiful little community was founded in 1922. It consists of 8 residential streets (Mayfield Place, Colonial Street, Clark Cove, Dryden Lane, Saxony Drive, Wisteria Lane, Tudor Street and Cornfield Place) and Main Street, the small city center. The houses in the city ranges from small traditional starter houses to modern family houses to colonial and tudor mansions, and the cozy suburban houses from the Universal Studios backlot set (Wisteria Lane)
created by stonee206
This beautiful little community was founded in 1922. It consists of 8 residential streets (Mayfield Place, Colonial Street, Clark Cove, Dryden Lane, Saxony Drive, Wisteria Lane, Tudor Street and Cornfield Place) and Main Street, the small city center. The houses in the city ranges from small traditional starter houses to modern family houses to colonial and tudor mansions, and the cozy suburban houses from the Universal Studios backlot set (Wisteria Lane)
  • 17.10.2011
  • 3224
  • 61
  • EN
  • Fairview
  • 2048x2048
  • 15
  • 61
  • 0
  • 0

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stonee206 Besøk studioet mitt Medlem sidenjun 09, 2009 Totalt antall elementer 101 Totale anbefalinger 591 Sted NO
Annet Exchange-innhold av stonee206:
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